Area 29

Dal momento in cui varchi la soglia sai che Area29 è un posto unico

Quando abbiamo aperto Area 29, sapevamo che volevamo essere più di una semplice palestra. Sapevamo di dover creare un concetto che avrebbe fornito ai nostri ospiti gli strumenti più efficaci per il successo. Ciò significava che dovevamo offrire una vasta gamma di corsi sia per bambini che per adulti.

Ciò significava anche che dovevamo offrire un ambiente di apprendimento gestito da allenatori esperti e di successo. Tuttavia, il nostro obiettivo più importante era creare un’atmosfera accogliente e una comunità in cui tutti provassero un senso di appartenenza.


Sale con aria condizionata


Percorsi per ogni livello



No long-term contract

Our popular month to month plan is offered as pay as you work-out with no longterm contract

Best equipment

Attrezzature moderne

Excercise round the clock

Palestra aperta tutto il giorno

Dedicated gym app

Prenotazioni e personal trainer


Sia che tu voglia perdere peso, tonificare o aumentare la massa muscolare, migliorare la forza, forniamo una ampia gamma di corsi per aiutarti a raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi in un ambiente amichevole e moderno.

Explore Our Top Fat Burning Classes

Body Attack is a high-energy fitness class with moves that cater for total beginners to total addicts. We combine athletic movements like running, lunging and jumping with strength exercises.





Fat Burning


This full-body workout gets you more mobile and stronger both in body and cardio fitness. Cardio Fitness class is as much about getting fit as it is about meeting new people.





Fat Burning


The class is lead by an instructor who leads participants through various exercises to a contemporary music soundtrack. The aim is to develop numerous domains of physical fitness.





Fat Burning


Meet Our Team

We are a team of experienced people, nutrition, sports and fitness passionate experts with talent
and knowledge unsurpassed in the industry. Get to know us.

Day Pass

[cost_calculator_summary_box id=”day_pass” name=”day_pass” formula=”20″ currency_size=”small” decimal_places=”0″ description=”/ pass” label=”” el_class=”margin-top-25″]
  • 1 Day Pass
  • Free Gym Access
  • 24 Hour Access
[cost_calculator_input_box id=”submit_day_pass” name=”submit_day_pass” type=”submit” default_value=”GET STARTED” top_margin=”page-margin-top”]

Month to Month

[cost_calculator_summary_box id=”month_pass” name=”month_pass” formula=”90″ currency_size=”small” decimal_places=”0″ description=”/ month” label=”” el_class=”margin-top-25″]
  • $99 Joining Fee
  • No Contract
  • Free Gym Access
  • 1 Group Class Included
  • 24 Hour Access
[cost_calculator_input_box id=”submit_month_pass” name=”submit_month_pass” type=”submit” default_value=”GET STARTED” top_margin=”page-margin-top”]

From Punch Pass to Monthly or Annual

At Gym Base, we offer a wide range of membership with options to suit every budget. Everything from One Day Pass, Punch Pass to monthly or annual prepaid memberships. What’s more, we won’t tie you in to a long term contract, giving you greater flexibility.

Each plan included

  • The best equipment global brands
  • The gym is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Two safe payment methods
  • Group fitness classes in the price of the subscription
  • No long-term contract, period

Body Mass index

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women.

  • 18-25 – Normal Weight
  • 25-30 – Overweight
  • 30-40 – Obesity
  • Above 40 – Morbid Obesity
[cost_calculator_slider_box id=”user-height” name=”user-height” label=”Your Height (cm)” hide_label=”0″ default_value=”170″ min=”40″ max=”225″]
[cost_calculator_summary_box id=”ideal-kg-to” name=”ideal-kg-to” formula=”25*{powerstart}user-height/100^2{powerend}” currency=”kg” currency_position=”after” decimal_places=”1″ description=”Your Maximum Proper Weight” label=”Your Maximum Proper Weight:”]
[cost_calculator_slider_box id=”user-weight” name=”user-weight” label=”Your Weight (kg)” hide_label=”0″ default_value=”70″ min=”1″ max=”150″]
[cost_calculator_summary_box id=”bmi-index” name=”bmi-index” formula=”user-weight/{powerstart}user-height/100^2{powerend}” currency=”” currency_position=”after” decimal_places=”1″ description=”Body Mass Index (BMI)” label=”Body Mass Index (BMI):”]

Not Only a Gym

Gym Base is not just a gym, we have an indoor swimming pool, sauna zone, two indoor team courts.
Check what else we offer for our members.


Workout plans tailored to your needs


Access to the client's panel


Social media integration


Social media integration


Battle tournaments


Individual trainings


Playing fields for team sports


Diverse member plans